In a Whisper (A media voz) is a mix of fiction and documentary that follows the life of two filmmakers throughout their native Cuba and their years as immigrants witnessing the gradual erosion of their ignorance beneath the millstone of migration. The film starts as a thoroughly Cuban piece of migration literacy. Still, it turns into the story of any vibrant woman who migrates to Europe and finds herself in a resistance position to pursue a dream. The film produces a memory for the Cuban community, thus enabling to fathom the collective soul of their adopted countries. Precisely, the visual letters unveiling what is non-visual, the cardinal points that mark the perimeter of their utopia, while linking the invisibility of the migrant subject to the dominant voyage that always initiates with the rights acquired by birth. The testimony of the audio-visual letters between the two filmmakers is both cheerful and poignant. The migration experience seen through th...
This is where we are at in our "great-again" America and its pseudo-patriotism. The establishment and their proselytes are pissed off because Colin Kaepernick is Nike's new "Just Do It" spokesman—that means I'll be only wearing Nike sneakers from now on to support the "Dream Crazy" slogan of this campaign carrying a serious message of racial equality and social justice. A flag (American or from elsewhere) is just a piece of waving dirty rag if the ideals it represents are betrayed by the actions of our "elected" officials. We need more role models, doers, and makers like Colin Kaepernick, more challenging corporations like Nike and fewer Republicans like the pathetic trumpet blowing shit in the White House. Longtime ad agency Wieden and Kennedy is on the money with this 2-minute spot titled "Dream Crazy" filled with inspirational scenes of young athletes facing adversity in pursuing their dreams. It also features Shaquem Gri...